Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And it was a rainbow day!

Today was a rainbow day literally!This was one of the brightest rainbows I have seen for a while and for a short time there was even a double rainbow!And then as quick as it came it disappeared,the very nature of rainbows!Catch a glimpse while you can!

I had a very rare midweek day off today and the weather for once played fair and enabled Chipmunk and me to make the most of the day and go on a long Autumn walk around the duck pond.

We had a fab time,we really did.Just looking at all the sights and being together,sounds soppy I know but it's true.

The duck pond was beautiful on a morning like today,the sun shining on the water made it shimmer and it was pleasantly warm enough to have a leisurely stroll around.

We stopped at this bridge and fed the ducks and Chipmunk saw something he's good at spotting ~ a water rat!He spent ages watching it scurry in and out of the reeds,we had to be very quiet or it wouldn't venture out.

Half way around we went to the cafe and had a yummy flapjack and then carried on walking.

searching for rats
trying to entice a rat!
We loved these ducks and swans,although Chipmunk was slightly overpowered when they all surged forwards!
ducks galore
boats and looking for sticks

After a morning out we came home and had a restful afternoon together on the sofa until it was time for tea and karate.

Today was Chipmunks first time at karate without his friend but he was happy to go and scooted all the way down there

karate scooter kid
When we got back home it was nearly time for bed and we finished off the day by having a lovely bedtime story about a teacher who turned into a real life dragon whenever she ate crisps,a great story that made us both smile.

So it was truly a rainbow day for us!

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