Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Midweek Splashes & Dashes

Having a fabby half term! 

Nothing special,nothing grand but time spent at home with the boys and for me that's enough. 

We have done something every day and I'm pleased with that. 

 On Saturday it was hair cut day,erm less said about that the better! 

Sunday Chipmunk went to a bowling party,this was good fun,Chipmunk enjoys bowling and it was nice for him to see his school friends in a informal situation. 

Monday was good.We had a trip to town and spent time in the pet shop. 
Chipmunk got to hold a lovely 8 week old guinea pig ( I fell in love with this little guy,by the way.) We also saw budgies,mice,and cute things called degus,they were like the kangaroo's of the rat world,all jumpity & Chipmunk and I really giggled at them. 
 We then went to the library and got some more really great books out. (hmm that reminds me,I need to rearrange chipmunks bookcase out) 

Then on Tuesday we went on a train to Nottingham with my mum & dad and the boys and Tigers girlfriend. That was a good if somewhat tiring day! Nice to get out with all the boys ~ something I treasure these days.

 Today ~ Wednesday ~ we got invited to a friends house for cake and coffee.How could we refuse that! Chipmunk made friends with the family dog 'Mack' and a good time was had by all. So I'm happy with how the half term week is panning out and still more days left for more family time ~ yay

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